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Summer at Summit

Prevent Summer Learning Loss

Studies show that children who don’t exercise their brains during summer break can lose valuable, hard-won knowledge and learning skills. According to research:

• Students lose an average of 2 1⁄2 months of math skills and 2 months of reading skills over the summer
• The average student loses 17-34% of the prior year’s learnings over the summer and students who experience this loss one year are those most likely to experience it again in subsequent summers.
• For students who already struggle in school, summer learning loss presents a larger threat to overall achievement.

Students who participate in summer learning programs enter the following school year with increased confidence. They retain what they know and have a great start in the fall. And, the effects of summer learning programs can endure for at least two years after participation.

Make the most of your child’s summer!

The Summit School offers three summer program options to help your child retain skills and reduce summer learning loss.

Camp Summit 

Executive Functions 

EmPOWER® Writing